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New Patient Marketing 101- The Chiropractic Business Academy

Eric Huntington, DC

Co-Owner Developer of the Chiropractic Business Academy

No matter the location or size of your clinic, or the relative success you’ve experienced to this point in your career, you probably have at least some attention on the number of new patients in your practice. Here are some things you should know about attracting new patients into your office.

  1. There is an exact technology on how to attract new patients into a chiropractic office. You just need to learn it and apply it.
  2. The better that you and your staff are trained on new patient marketing, the more control you will have over the number of new patients your practice gets.
  3. Every factor limiting the number of new patients you currently get is an internal factor—meaning it’s not because of the economy, or your town, or anything else outside of your practice. This is good because it means you have control.
  4. The Chiropractic Business Academy can teach any chiropractor how to get high numbers of new patients on a consistent basis.
  5. If you feel your service is valuable, you should share it with more people!

Some doctors are surprised to learn that there are exact formulas and strategies that will literally guarantee you see more new patients. I teach these exact strategies to my clients through the Chiropractic Business Academy Marketing Courses, through the Academy Workshops and One on One Consulting. Although the exact marketing strategies are reserved for our clients, I can share with you some basics.

Your marketing success starts with your viewpoint on marketing. To find out what your viewpoint on marketing is at this moment, try this simple exercise.

Write down in single words or short phrases how you feel about marketing your practice. Successful marketing is going to require application. So, you can start now by doing this exercise. Please take a minute and write down your feelings about marketing, before reading on.

Take a look at what you wrote. Do your responses indicate that you are excited about introducing chiropractic to new people? Can you see evidence in your responses of back-off to creating a strong marketing effort? If so, you’d really benefit from handling those points.

One of the most effective ways to change your viewpoint is to acquire correct data in that area. The more you know about chiropractic marketing for instance, the more logical your conclusions will be when making marketing decisions. And let’s face it, if you know how to be successful at something, don’t you feel better about it?

Our Marketing Course covers over 40 ways to market a practice. Knowing and understanding ALL of these techniques makes it easy to attract 80-100 new patients per month, or more.

A strong marketing program has multiple sources of new patients. Here are some examples of the kinds of programs our clients use.

  1. A program to acquire as many names and phone numbers of local people as possible. To do this we teach our Public Gift Certificate program. This gives our clients endless leads to contact for introductory services.
  2. Multiple strong Business to Business programs. This is an alliance with a local business which allows you to farm leads from their clientele or employees. We teach numerous ways to do this including Corporate Massage programs, Lectures and other introductory programs. The key is to offer a truly valuable intro service- businesses will literally invite you in!
  3. An Internal Referral Program. This should be an active, strategic (and fun) activity. In communicating with each patient you must direct their attention in a very precise manner—for instance, using symptoms, conditions or circumstances. Your goal is to get a name AND contact information—so you can invite the referral into your practice.

No matter the target audience or the strategy used, there are some key factors on which to build a consistent marketing effort.

  1. Structure each marketing activity so that it can be done by a non-doctor. This will allow you to pass the activity to another staff member.
  2. The more you market, the more new patients you will have. There is a direct relationship between the number of hours allocated to marketing and the number of new patients a practice sees.

*For an exact breakdown of how to calculate how much marketing you need to do to get a certain number of new patients starting care, visit my website and click “Free Stuff” www.chirobizacademy.com

  1. Whatever marketing you do must communicate a concept which the consumer will understand and be interested in. This is one of the most important but least understood aspects of chiropractic marketing.

To learn more about how to market concepts that will create interest in your audience join me on my next teleconference. I will cover this topic in detail and will give you examples of how to do this effectively! See ad!

To continue this discussion on new patient marketing visit my website www.chirobizacademy.com

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